Friday 26 April 2013

Reflections and Thoughts about the Future of the Internet

Through this module, I have learnt that the internet is a double-edged sword. There are abundant advantages that the internet has brought about. These include greater freedom of speech, the ability to use the internet as a multipurpose tool for learning, conducting business transactions, gaming, and many more.

However I have also learnt that the ubiquitous nature of the internet has inadvertently created more opportunities for crimes to take place online. Due to the openness and accessibility of the internet, cybercrimes such as cyber bullying, phishing and online pornography are able to take place at rapid rates, as cybercrimes can happen anytime and anywhere. Since the internet has made it possible for users to keep their identity anonymous of they choose to, it becomes even more challenging to identify and arrest cyber criminals. To make things worse, as cybercrimes are relatively new in comparison to crimes committed victims of cyber-attacks often do not know that they are being targeted. Furthermore, it is highly likely that victims of cyber-crimes do not know how to deal with the issue due to limited help and expertise available. 

With better improvements in technology, I believe that the future of the internet will continue to shape the way we think and behave in the future. I am certain that the world will continue to converge as the internet will supply us with even more opportunities to interact and connect with people living in remote regions of the world. There would be greater efficiency and learning benefits that the internet will bring about. However, I also believe that the future internet will introduce us to a much more complex virtual ecosystem than the present. Online criminal activities would continue to surge and it remains as a challenge for users to keep their online information private and personal.

As a result, I believe that as media literate students, we ought to have the responsibility and accountability whenever we participate in online activities. We should always check on our privacy settings and ensure that our computer software is constantly up-to-date. This would prevent our computers from being corrupted and prohibit information from being stolen by unauthorized personnel. Ultimately, it is users have to take full responsibility in ensuring that the internet is not taken for granted and put to good use.

Online Gaming

The internet has spurred new ways of gaming. Nowadays, gaming does not only take place through the use of gaming devices like PlayStation and X-Box. The popularity of online gaming is surging as people are finding it more convenient to play games online.

Gaming used to be perceived as a hobby for hardcore gaming enthusiasts. This was because in the past, gaming equipment are a basic requirement for gamers to indulge in their hobby. Gaming equipment like game consoles and game cartridges are pretty expensive in the past, considering that gaming industry was pretty new in the digital age. As a result, gaming was a luxury which only the rich and middle-classes could afford.
The advent of the internet, however, has perpetuated more accessible and affordable ways of gaming. Online gaming is more accessible, convenient and cheaper than offline gaming. Gamers no longer need to save up for professional gaming equipment to participate in an online game. Majority of online games require the most basic computer equipment. Only gamers who wish to enhance their gaming experience would consider purchasing better equipment for themselves.

In addition, online gaming has also enabled communication to take place in the virtual world. With the introduction of multiplayer role playing games (RPG), players involved in interactive gaming can interact and play with other players from other parts of the world. This provides them with opportunities to socialize with other players online and develop healthier gaming habits—habits that involved communication and interaction as opposed to an individual playing a game by his/ herself.

Online gaming has also changed world people view gaming. As many networking sites like Facebook introduces new games to the social media community once in a while, light gamers are encouraged to play games at their own leisure. There is no pressure for them to commit into a serious gaming mode, unlike hardcore gamers. Hence, online gaming provides a wider variety of games for all kinds of gamers.

More people are beginning to recognize online gaming as a professional occupation. Dozens of gaming events are organized each month to reward professional gamers with recognition and monetary rewards for their contributions towards the gaming industry. As technology progresses, the gaming industry is becoming more sought after. Gaming companies are expanding and constantly recruiting new game developers to carry the gaming experience into the next level.  

Thursday 25 April 2013

Social Media vs. Face-to-Face Interaction

It was not until the 21st century that the internet became the almighty powerful tool. Before the world was introduced to the internet, the only ways that people could communicate with one another over long distances was through mails and telegram messages. Even then, it took a long time for messages to be passed to the recipient and often, these messages were lost along the way.
As we enter into the post industrialized age today, it is evident that communication has improved significantly, mostly due to improvements in technology and new inventions like the internet and smartphones. Social networking sites are sprouting out online, allowing people from various parts of the world to connect with one another.

As a result of the wide-scale usage of social media and social networking sites, there is a growing concern that more people are spending time to communicate online, rather than engaging in meaningful face-to-face interaction. This controversy has sparked arguments about how the social networking sites are replacing real time face-to-face communication among social networking users. Some have argued that mediated technology, including the use of social networking sites are causing users to be more isolated than before. In the light if this debate, I would like to offer my opinions regarding this subject.
To start with, I do not believe that social networking sites cause users to be isolated. There are a couple of reasons why I believe this is so.

1)  Social networking sites are platforms for users to communicate with their friends and loved ones. It provides an alternative venue for users to foster healthy relationships online which may not be possible through face-to-face interaction due to differences in geological proximity.

2) Besides maintaining relationships, social networking sites are meant to encourage users to socialize online and widen their social network. As a result, users are able to reconnect with their friends whom them have not met in a long time and get introduced to new friends online. The six degrees of separation phenomenon can be used to explain how individuals can end up getting to know a friend of their friends who also happen to be a close friend of another friend of theirs. This contributes to wider and richer social networking ties. 

3) Getting to know more friends online through various social networking websites may lead to better quality conversations in comparison to face-to-face interaction. For some users, especially those who are socially awkward and introverted, conversing online is an outlet for self-disclosure. Some users may feel uncomfortable approaching someone and start a conversation with them. Social networking sites therefore opens up more opportunities for these individuals to discover new friends and communication techniques. Users may feel more encouraged to start offline conversations with others once they feel comfortable talking to them online. From this perspective, networking sites serves to encourage more participation and face-to-face interaction.

4) Social networking sites are not the main cause of isolation. It does not mean that people who participate in activities involving social media engage in less face-to-face interaction. The primary factor here is time management. Individuals who have good time-management skills would not find it challenging to handle both kinds of communication and hence, will not feel isolated. On the contrary, they would feel less isolated because of the high amounts of socializing activities they are involved in.

To conclude, I feel that it is presumptuous to assume that using social networking sites directly causes isolation.  Of course, social networking sites can threat opportunities for individuals to engage in meaningful face-to-face communication; however, I believe that this only happens when a user has poor management skills. 

4 Gentlemen of English Band, LAWSON, Performing Live in Singapore for the First Time

After attending their first showcase in Singapore, I am thrilled to present a short snippet of their live performance for one of my personal favourite songs of their album, Chapman Square. The song that is performed is entitled Learn to Love Again. Enjoy!

(Note: due to errors in uploading, the video can only be uploaded from my personal youtube account)

Augmented Reality


Augmented reality, a new form of technology has revolutionized learning, advertising and gaming. By making use of haptics, graphics and sound, augmented reality has changed the way in which users view their world. It causes viewers to be immersed into an entirely different virtual environment that is built from a two-dimensional (2D) image. Viewers who have firsthand experience of augmented reality can benefit from the computer generated graphics that simulate real-life objects that are in front of their eyes.    

Personally, I believe that there are plenty of benefits of augmented reality. Many devices, including computers, video games and mobile phones are now employing the new technology to create a virtual environment for entertainment, learning and commerce. Augmented reality can be used for many purposes, one of them being advertising.  

Augmented Reality and Advertising

For busy, working people who are always on the go, shopping has never been a greater pain for them. Racking through shelves after shelves, carefully reading labels of products in search for the perfect brand of product can cost unnecessary time. With Augmented reality, consumers will have an easier time searching for their products without the need to go through the laborious process of figuring out the contents written on those labels.

Likewise, advertisers who market their products using augmented reality create a niche product that would allow consumers to obtain fast and easy information about their products. Through augmented reality, information about a particular product will be displayed on an interactive screen. Buyers can whip out their mobile devices and other portable electronic devices to get information that is related to the product by simply taking a shot of the product itself. This is not only a convenient way of shopping; but it also ensures that the information given is simple and understandable, something that is often lacking in product labels these days. Sometimes, consumers have difficulty reading labels of product due to its small fonts or lack of interpretation of the original language written on them. Thus, this serves to communicate information to consumers in a clear, concise and entertaining approach.

More importantly, the ability to store and display information through the enhanced visual technology also mean that advertisers can keep consumers updated with the latest information about the product. Companies can benefit from unnecessary cost spent in recalling products due to incorrect information printed on their products.

Finally, with the improvements of technology in this fast-paced society, advertising products through the use of augmented reality would certainly rack up more sales for companies as the graphics featured are attention-grabbing and compelling. There is no doubt that viewers would stop and pay attention to those info graphics popping out of those products!

The Emergence of Citizen Journalism and how the Internet has Shaped it

Internet accessibility has made it easier for citizens to reach out to one another through citizen journalism. Anyone and everyone who has access to the internet can create new forums for discussions and the exchange of new information. Without a doubt, the internet has shaped the future of journalism. It has changed the way in which news and information is being reported to the masses.

With the aid of the internet, anyone can basically report and discuss new issues and news with other internet users. There is no need for professional reporters to constantly feed the masses with information as citizens would be present on the ground to post updates and new information about issues at hand. Citizens who were present at the scene would be able to provide firsthand experiences about the issue, something which professional journalists do not experience at times.

The Shift in Power

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits that citizen journalism provides is the exclusion of the state and media censorship. For many who are unaware what goes on behind the scenes of the journalism industry, the most powerful people working in the industry are the media gatekeepers. They are the ones who decide the type of news that should be reported and how it should be reported.  As result of the mediated gatekeeping, readers do not to get to choose the type of information they want and how they want the information to be presented to them. Applying the AIDA model in this sense, the media captures the public attention by directing its news agenda to the public to make it seem like it is the most important news that the public should be aware of.  
Now, however, with citizen journalism, the tables have turned. The power and control over the media has shifted from media gatekeepers to concerned citizens and aspiring street journalists who decide what is newsworthy and commendable of our attention. Readers have the ability to determine the type of information they want to get, and how they want it to be interpreted.

A Call for Greater Transparency

Citizen journalism also encourages the sharing of multiple views and interpretations of information.  With the aid of citizen journalism, the masses can get more involved with any information they receive from any source. Media literate readers would be able to get alternative sources of information, and analyze and compare them before passing their judgment on the issue. From this perspective, it can be said that citizen journalism provides greater transparency in news delivery. It provides a checklist for citizens to analyze whether the content provided by professional journalists are accurate and unbiased.

It is also important to note that hypercommercialism is less of an issue when it comes to online citizen journalism. With the exception of a few official online citizen journalism websites like STOMP!, one can hardly see extensive advertisement campaigns being featured by citizen journalists. These advertisements are not only distracting to readers, but they also remove the essence of journalism—to report clear and accurate information for the benefit of the citizens. Unlike newspapers and current affairs magazines (which are plastered with countless of advertisements in every page), citizen journalism captures the true intent of journalism by ensuring that the public remains informed and focused about the issues due to the absence of hypercomercialization.

Lastly, the most important thing to take home from this is the need to be intelligent media literate readers. Instead of blindly absorbing information presented by the media, we should always question the intent and information given by the media.

image is taken in courtesy of:

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Exploring the Truths about Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying Wallpaper

Once bitten, twice shy. Victims of petty cybercrimes such as online scams, phishing, spying and information stealing would have probably learnt their lesson to protect their personal information made available online to prevent themselves from being targeted victims of criminalized activities again. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for victims of cyber bullying. Victims of cyber bullying are constantly being taunted online, resulting in long-term emotional and physical impairments. Today, more internet users are victims of cyber bullying in comparison to a decade ago.

Cyber bullying is reportedly on the rise worldwide. In 2011, one million children were harassed, threatened or subjected to other forms of cyber bullying on Facebook. Just two years ago, Singapore reported its first victim of a cyber-bullying attack who committed suicide after being slammed by her ex-boyfriend on Facebook.  In 2008, the Straits Times reported that Singapore has the second highest number of cyber bullying cases after the U.S. Although the number local cases involving death as a result of cyber bullying remains considerably low, these reports should be chilling enough to force us to reconsider the effects of cyber bullying. 

Types of Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying comes in various forms. The first group of cyber bully usually engaging in hate speeches through the internet to illustrate their aversion towards a particular group of people, or an individual who belongs to a particular community. This includes directing extremely offensive language to people of a certain race, gender or class. While this form of cyber bullying is derogatory, it is easier for victims to dissociate themselves from hate groups because signs of the bully’s abhorrence are usually obvious and clear from the beginning.

On the other hand, a second type of cyber bullying is known as flaming or an “electronic road rage”. Flaming occurs when people exchange malicious and hostile comments over the internet. In this case, the victim may unknowingly become a perpetrator of cyber bullying when he/she responds to the hateful comment disparagingly. As a result, cycles of flaming may occur consecutively whenever the involved parties respond to each other in a hurtful and hateful manner. Flaming is critical when the comments are taken too seriously by the victims, resulting in emotional distresses.

How is Cyber Bullying Different from Physical Bullying?

Due to the fact that is greater anonymity online, users are more confident and willing to take bullying onto the internet rather than risk being caught from face-to-face bullying. More than 81 per cent of youth agree that bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person.  80 per cent of them also feel that it is easier to hide online bullying from parents than in-person bullying.

Consequences of Cyber Bullying

As mentioned previously, unlike trivial cybercrimes, in which the criminal’s objective is to gather information mainly for monetary gains, cyber bullying has a profound and long-lasting impact that cost more damage to the victim than his/her wallet. Victims of cyber bullying often find themselves being physiologically and emotionally traumatized to a point where they may cause physical harm to themselves. This includes self-mutilation and having suicidal thoughts.

The Flipside about Cyber Bullying

There are many assumptions and myths about cyber bullying. The following points are interesting and less commonly known facts about cyber bullying.

1) Interestingly, cyber bullies do not just target vulnerable, ordinary students and kids. There have been multiple cases in which celebrities have become the targets of cyber bullying. In tech-savvy Seoul especially, an endless list of popular celebrities like Kim Tae Hee and MC Mong are criticized and bullied for groundless reasons. There are even reports of celebrities committing suicide due to the backlash made by cyber bullies.

2) It is also notable that more girls are cyber bullies than boys. Reasons for this could include that girls are less physically able than boys; therefore, cyber bullying would be a more ideal and preferable means of provoking others in comparison to physical bullying.

3) Cyber bullies are more likely to have engaged in sexting—the act of sending nude photos or sexually explicit messages to another person via electronic means. Many infamous cyber bullying cases in the U.S. like those involving Ryan Patrick Halligan and Megan Meier.
